Lisa Scebbi specializes in building confidence in riders of all ages, and believes patience is key. She has the ability to analyze both horse and rider and treat each as an individual to help develop a successful relationship. Her approach to teaching is informative and enjoyable. Lisa understands how horses bodies are similar to ours, consisting of muscles, bones, joints, tendons and ligaments. She incorporates accredited equine body workers and a saddle fitter to assist her clients. Our equine partners are athletes and show be treated as such.

Lisa believes in using dressage as a foundation to cross-train for a variety of disciplines. Using these methods, she has led many riders to accomplish their competition goals. Lisa also schools recreational and non-competitive riders on gaining control of their horses. Tailoring her training to fit unique situations, she always emphasizes safety. Lisa prides herself on the loyalty of her clients, many of whom have been training with her for several years.